Monday, October 4, 2010

October Long weekend - We are HOME!

Sunet at Cable Beach (Broome)

Well we arrived home yesterday (Sunday) and we are enjoying unpacking on Labour Day! How funny is that! Not funny at all - so much to clean.

It has been really great blogging our trip and I hope you have all enjoyed keeping up with the Dangerous Cliffs. I have never done a blog before but I found it very easy with a pre-paid mobile broadband modem connected to my laptop. Some use their i-phones but they are too small to view photo files.

We have seen so many animals on our trip that I will post one more page with some of the best ones. Together, we have taken over 3000 photos - you have enjoyed just a small snippet!

Thanks to those who have followed the blog, commented and even just looked at it unofficially from time to time.

Hope to see you soon.

LOL Vanessa, Gavin, Lucy, Jacinta and Sarah

Week 12 Broken Hill - Blue Mountains - HOME!!!!!!!!!

GeoCentre - Some funny memorabilia - Safety First!
Broken Hill - Lookout

Friends having fun!

Playing games with friends and family

Visiting more family

Only a short drive of just over 300kms to Broken Hill today. We were there in time to go sightseeing. First stop was the town lookout and then the Albert Kersten GeoCentre where we looked at the famous silver tree. In the afternoon we went fossicking in an area about 13kms out of town where the ore body is at the earths surface. Kids had heaps of fun!

Early morning wake up and we left for the Blue Mountains a 6.30am. Travelled 1172kms today. Arrived at my mothers place a 9.30pm.

We spent 3 nights in Wentworth Falls visiting friends and family. Met up with Brian, Mel, Nieve and Angus again at Nanny's place. Also saw some of Gavin's sisters and their kids - the biggest thrill was meeting Polly (one month old).

Leaving tomorrow for HOME! We want to get there before the end of the long weekend. Avoid the rush and traffic.

Week 12 - Petersbrough to Burra and Clare Valley

Looking around Burra
Jim Barry Winery - Clare Valley (SA)

Lush Fields in S.A

Lunch at Seven Hills Hotel

Girls outside St Aloysius Catholic Church

St Aloysius Catholic Church

Brother John May (hat on) with tour - Gavin on side with Sarah piggyback.

Inside the wine cellar

Brother John May - discussing the vines

Well, we spent 2 nights in comfort at a caravan in Petersbrough (South Australia). We have decided that we don't want to camp anymore. SURPRISE!!!! And it was a good thing that we decided to as the weather turned rather chilly. Not too much rain but on the day we went tripping to the Clare valley it didn't reach above 11 degrees.
Left Petersbrough for a lovely drive to Burra. Passed many wheat crops and lush fields. Big change from the desert. When we got to Burra we did not know that it was such a beautiful old town. It was a copper/gold town and it has heaps of history.
Next stop was a couple of wineries in the famous Clare valley. We went to Jim Barry wines first as we kind of have a romantic attachment to the place - visiting it 3 times now. Full wine tasting with the kids amused in the corner.

Lunch was at Seven Hills Hotel - lovely pub lunch with atmosphere and a warm fire. Yes, it was good wine tasting weather! Then we dashed up to Seven Hills winery and there was Brother John May doing a tour in front of us (only on Tues and Thur) we quickly got the ok to join in as he is one of Australia's most famous winemakers. What an amazing experience! He turned out not only to be an expert wine maker, but also very knowledgeable in architecture, history and spirituality! We got the ok from him after the tour to acquire one of the first two cases of the Mary Mackillop Sainthood wines. Both the red and the white. This was a pre-launch sale as it would not be released to the locals until Friday. Brother John said yes to our request after the tour. I love this place.

On our way to Broken Hill and then the Blue Mountains tomorrow. We have a motel booked in Broken Hill and we will stay at my mothers place in Wentworth Falls.