Friday, July 2, 2010

Anticipation - The Beginning

Tension is mounting in the Cliff household. Today we have both finished work and everything feels surreal! There is not enough time, money and patience in this household. The question is will we comeback divorced or a happy family?

There is a long list of things to do but somehow there is not a day in the next week and a half that is free from an appointment or event. G and N are leaving on Tuesday next week and we have to celebrate J's birthday tomorrow.

Where to start? I didn't think things would be this stressful. Last night I woke up at 2am and started crying. Mum was down and she woke up to G and I talking. She made us all a hot chocolate. What would I do without her?


  1. What a fabulous idea this blog thing, we will look forward to following your wonderful adventures. Have fun, take care & just relax & enjoy. Oh, & keep those hot chocolates up, they will help. Brett & Susie

  2. Hey there S and B. Thanks for joining the blogg. About time that I got into this. It also gives me a chance to wish you Happy Birthday in August. I am 40 in August. Don't know where I will be. Stay tuned. It will probably be somewhere obscure!!!! V

  3. Dear Jacinta

    congratulations coming 3rd in dancing!Your trip sounds fun where are you going first?Have a safe trip.

    From Gillian.M

  4. Hi Gillian
    We are flying to Darwin on Wednesday and then we are going to Kakadu. I want to see a crocodile but I want it to be a fresh water crocodile. These don't eat humans. What are you doing for the holidays! J
