Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 5 - Broome - DAY 8 - Sunday 15th August

Today we moved out of the Palm Grove Caravan park into Sea Shells, where we had a bungalow booked for 2 nights - very flash and we have our own bathroom. Also nice to have a proper bed and kitchen. It is around 31degrees today and the first thing we did after check in was swim in the extremely large pool. We are only around the corner from where we were staying so we keep bumping into people that we have met at the caravan park. Very relaxing day by the pool and going to the beach again!

My Birthday tomorrow!!!! V.

Week 5 - Broome - DAY 7 - Saturday 14th August

Today we went on a Turtle Bay Sea Kayak trip. This was G's favourite thing to do as you can imagine. We saw Kingfishers and flying sting rays too. The tides here in Broome are huge. When we finished our trip the tide had risen to a high of 9m. We could paddle through under Broome pier and touch the bottom with our paddles. Amazing paddling through rocks which were on the beach when we had morning tea and paddling over mangrove trees submerged fully underwater.


Week 5 - Broome - DAY 6 - Friday 13th August

On Friday we visited Ganthemue Point and walked around on the rock platform at low tide. We saw many dinosaur footprints. Palaeontologists’ dream. We had a BBQ on the beach to watch the sunset and the boats. Tide was out so we drove onto the beach along with everyone else.

Next, we visited the Malcolm Douglas Wildlife park at Sarah’s request. We had a terrific time and saw a lot of aggressive crocodiles. They also had a large water hole of alligators, dingoes, many birds including cassowary, owls, and parrots. The highlight for G was the Barking Owls that barked back when L said woof, woof to them. They look at you with those big brown eyes.

Week 5 - Broome - Day 5 - Thursday 12th August

On Thursday we got an emergency appointment for L’s tooth to be filled. V got her hair done and an eyebrow wax in town. We all then went shopping for V’s 40th birthday present. Nice stroll in China town. We went to bed at 9.30pm after having a swim and watching the sunset at the beach.

Then at 2.30am in the morning we have the police trying to wake us up in our tent. Someone had broken into our car. Lots of people had things taken and many cars were broken in to. G had $50 taken out of his wallet and I lost my IPod. They didn’t get the $440 that was in the car or my lap top. Luckily, I had my bag, G’s computer, kids IPod’s, DS’s, and 40th birthday presents in the tent. There were people that were very suspicious of two youth in the park and some staff went to investigate. They chased the pair and caught one of them. Some people had their belongings returned. But, unfortunately my IPod is gone. Police have the name of the second offender and we might get our stuff back. We are not too concerned. Things could have been worse. V.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week 5 - Broome - DAY 4 - Wednesday 11th August

Hi all,

On Wednesday we went to town beach and the kids had an amazing time in the water park which was free. G, L and J rode on their bikes to Town Beach. We ate lunch and swam. Then in the afternoon we went on a Camel ride along Cable beach. Kids loved it! That night G took L to Hospital with a tooth ache (had a trip to the dentist before we left). V.

Week 4 - Broome - DAY3 - Tuesday 10th August

Hi again to everyone,

Today we hung around by the beach and hired bikes. it was really cool to drrive the car onto the beach and watch the sunset. Seems like most of the locals take a picnic at this time of the year. What a life!

The kids saw the camel trains finishing their sunset rides. Now they want to go on one. Stay posted.

Saturday 7th August - Travelling in the car

Today the kids were very funny in the car. They made lots of different ‘toys’ with construction play. These masks were a high- light.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Week 4 A week in Broome - DAY 1 Saturday 7th August

Hi Everyone

Sorry that we haven't posted anything recently but Broome is fantastic. We have been here a week now and every day has been amazing. We could easily live here, wish I spent my honeymoon here! The sunsets are so romantic.

When we arrived late on Saturday 7th August I was getting prepared to fly back to Darwin for MS treatment. I left late on Sunday afternoon and Yvonne and Max meet me at Darwin Airport. I arrived there at around 5pm and we had a quick cup of tea at their place and then went to Mass. They had to count afterwards so I stayed and helped. The Sunset from the church in Darwin that night was something I will never forget. There was a big mix up on Monday morning, with nobody being able to find my script for the medication. I had dropped it in a month ago and the person I dropped it to was apparently on leave. Chemist rang neurologist and he had to promise them a new script. Had treatment and then flew back to Broome.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Week 4 – Tunnel Creek and Fitzroy Crossing (W.A)

Hi again,

Yesterday we went on a fantastic day trip from Fitzroy Crossing to Tunnel Creek Gorge. This is a must see trip. This Gorge is really a 650m tunnel through a limestone mountain range. The creek has cut through and water has formed stalactites on the ceiling of the tunnel. Quite spectacular! Some might find it confronting walking in the creek in darkness. Luckily we had researched the trip and took torches.

The water was a little cool for my liking but we all had a swim. S and G were the most adventurous – taking a dip in every pool.

After the day trip we went back to camp and got ready to go out for dinner. We had a beautiful meal at the Fitzroy Crossing Lodge. Booked a table outside on the balcony for the balmy evening. We ate barramundi and beef with a bottle of Jessica’s Run wine from W.A.

Off to Broome today for an extended stay. Tomorrow I fly back to Broome to get my medication in Darwin Hospital. Many thanks to Yvonne and Max for helping me out overnight and transfers.

Next post will be from Broome.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Week 3 – Beautiful Bungle Bungle Ranges

Hi to all again,

We had an inspiring time in Purnululu National Park. This is one of Australia’s world heritage listed areas and now I can see why. It was not hard to get a good picture of these photogenic ranges.

When we drove on Monday, the temperature did not get over 18 degrees. We got a text message that said there was snow in Orange and Blackheath. It was also cold in the North. Luck we didn’t leave our coats behind in Darwin. Too cold for swimming , even if there was water.

The days were perfect for bushwalking and the first walk was Cathedral Gorge. On the way there we saw a very large snake – Olive Mulga. It is very poisonous. Sarah was fascinated and bought a book of Deadly Australian animals at the visitors centre.

After lunch, went to Echidna Chasm which was a short 1hr walk. Most of the walks follow stony dry creek beds and we marvelled at the massive conglomerate rocks that had been split apart. Truly amazing amount of energy formed to split along these fault lines. So many questions that the kids were asking.

We then had a long drive to Fitzroy Crossing and set up in the dark. G almost hit a cow on the road not a kangaroo.

Hope all had fun in the snow.
