Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 5 - Broome - Day 5 - Thursday 12th August

On Thursday we got an emergency appointment for L’s tooth to be filled. V got her hair done and an eyebrow wax in town. We all then went shopping for V’s 40th birthday present. Nice stroll in China town. We went to bed at 9.30pm after having a swim and watching the sunset at the beach.

Then at 2.30am in the morning we have the police trying to wake us up in our tent. Someone had broken into our car. Lots of people had things taken and many cars were broken in to. G had $50 taken out of his wallet and I lost my IPod. They didn’t get the $440 that was in the car or my lap top. Luckily, I had my bag, G’s computer, kids IPod’s, DS’s, and 40th birthday presents in the tent. There were people that were very suspicious of two youth in the park and some staff went to investigate. They chased the pair and caught one of them. Some people had their belongings returned. But, unfortunately my IPod is gone. Police have the name of the second offender and we might get our stuff back. We are not too concerned. Things could have been worse. V.

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